Slow flowers



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Debra Prinzing empezó siendo una empresaria del mundo de las flores. Vendía flores a distintas tiendas y países, hasta que conoció el Movimiento Slow y se dio cuenta del gran impacto ambiental que estaba teniendo la producción masiva de flores: químicos para mantener las flores bonitas y sin bichos, mucha gasolina para transportarlas de un lugar a otro, celofán para envolverlas, etc.
Total, que se concienció del tema y montó una página web y pequeña empresa llamada Slow Flowers. Desde entonces, ella misma se asegura de que las flores son criadas por agricultores locales que viven cerca de su comarca y que no utilizan pesticidas. Las vende sobre todo en mercados de la zona. Debra intenta concienciarnos en el artículo de que nuestro consumo debe ser responsable, ecológico y local, y de que a veces es mejor darse un paseo por el campo y coger unas margaritas que comprar rosas rojas envueltas en celofán en cualquier gran supermercado.(Traducción libre del original de Nuria Pérez)

Hay algunas páginas de interés

Lilies and lavender

About Us

Lilies and Lavender is a small, sustainably managed, cut flower farm and special event florist located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Since 1998 we have been providing the greater Philadelphia metro and suburban area florists, brides and hostesses with beautiful, locally grown flowers and unique botanicals which we use to create our natural, eco-chic wedding and event floral designs.

We take special pride in growing flower varieties which are hard to find from the local wholesaler.  Some of the more unusual flowers we grow are: Fritallaria Meleagris (snakeshead lily), Leucojum (Snow drops), Viburnum Macrocephalum ( giant snowball), Campanula Punctata (cherry bells), Hyacinthoides hispanica (bluebells) and Acanthus mollis (bears breeches).  All of our flowers are harvested at just the right time to optimize their freshness, scent and vase life.

Lilies and Lavender is a small, sustainably managed, cut flower farm and special event florist located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Since 1998 we have been providing the greater Philadelphia metro and suburban area florists, brides and hostesses with beautiful, locally grown flowers and unique botanicals which we use to create our natural, eco-chic wedding and event floral designs.

We take special pride in growing flower varieties which are hard to find from the local wholesaler.  Some of the more unusual flowers we grow are: Fritallaria Meleagris (snakeshead lily), Leucojum (Snow drops), Viburnum Macrocephalum ( giant snowball), Campanula Punctata (cherry bells), Hyacinthoides hispanica (bluebells) and Acanthus mollis (bears breeches).  All of our flowers are harvested at just the right time to optimize their freshness, scent and vase life.

Harris Flower Farm

About Us

From a young age I was always drawn to pretty flowers, I think flowers may be in my blood. After going away to post-secondary education and having a successful optical career I have returned to my roots and I am re-kindling my love for flowers. Harris Flower Farm is a seasonal cut flower farm that provides beautiful flowers for local farmers markets, weddings and events. This is our 8th growing season. Flowers are produced from April to October, in November and December wintergreens are used in arrangements. We grow a large variety of annual, perennial, bulb and woody stem flowers.

 I am a member of the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers.


A Flower-Farming Renaissance: America’s Slow Flower Movement


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Creo que esta presentación y este tema instrumental New Age  «The lotus flower slow version»  son el mejor modode cerrar esta entrada

New Age  «The lotus flower slow version»

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MªÁngeles Pozuelo

2 comentarios en “Slow flowers

  1. Muchas gracias por recordar que podemos hacer más ramitos de flores de campo, a mi me encanta ir recogiendo flores cuando voy a pasear por la montaña y llegar a casa con las manos llenas…me gusta saber de este movimiento y que lo iniciara una mujer que se conciencio de que podía ser mas respetuosa con el cultivo.
    Gracias por traernos este post tan lleno de sabiduría de esa aparentemente simple,pero que es auténtica.

    Me gusta

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